Imam Muhammad 'Ali Al-Sabuni is one of the leading scholars of Sunni Islam in the modern era. A specialist in the knowledge of Tafsir (Exegesis of the Holy Quran), he has authored one of the most widely accepted Tafsirs of the Qur an entitled Safwat al-Tafasir (The Choicest Selections from the Books of Exegesis). Since its publication in 1978 and with more depth than the renowned Tafsir al-Jalalayn, Safwat al-Tafasir has quickly become the celebrated tafsir for beginners. It is recommended in Islamic Seminaries worldwide as a reliable reference point to acquire the orthodox Sunni understanding of the Quran.
- Paperback - 129 pages
- By - Shaykh Muhammad Ali Al-Sabuni
- Translated by - Rashad Jameer
- Published - 2020
- ISBN - 9780994880772
Brief into of the author

Shaykh Muhammad ‘Alī al-ābūnī was born in the city of Aleppo in Syria in 1930 to a family of learning. His father was one of the senior scholars of Aleppo. He received much of his initial and formal education in Arabic, inheritance and sciences of religion from his father, Shaykh Jamīl. He memorized the Qur’ān in the primary schools and completed his memorisation of the Quran in secondary school while still young. Shaykh al-Sabūnī studied under some of the leading scholars of the city.
Some of his most prominent teachers were:
• Shaykh Muhammad Najīb Sirājuddīn
• Shaykh Ahmad al-Shamā‘
• Shaykh Muhammad Sa‘īd al-Idlibī
• Shaykh Muhammad Rāghib al-Tabbākh
• Shaykh Muhammad Najīb Khayātah
In addition, he attended other lessons with other ‘Ulemā in various mosques.
He continued his formal education in government schools. After obtaining his primary school certificate he enrolled at the Madrassa al-Tijariyya where he studied for one year. He was disinclined because they were teaching the students about interest-based transactions. Even though he obtained the best results he left and instead he joined the famous Khasrawiyya school of Sharī‘ah in Aleppo. Here he combined Islamic Studies and studies in the secular subjects. He graduated in 1949.
He graduated with excellent results and the Ministry of Awqāf (Endowments) sent
him to further his studies at the famous al-Azhar University in Egypt. He graduated
from the Faculty of Sharī‘ah in 1952 and he completed his specialization course in
After completing his studies, he returned to Aleppo where he taught Islamic
education in various secondary schools in the city. He taught for about eight years
From 1955 to1962.
He was appointed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Sharī‘ah at the Umm al-Qurā’ University and at the Faculty of Education of the King ‘Abdul Azīz University both in Mecca, where he taught for about 28 years. Many prominent scholars graduated under his guidance. Due to his academic work and his writing, the University assigned some additional tasks to him. These included editing some classical for the Centre for Academic Research and Reviving the Islamic Heritage.
He edited Ma‘ani al-Qur’ān by Imām Abū Jā‘far al-Nahhās (d.338). This book was published in 6 volumes. Thereafter he worked as an advisor with the Muslim World League in the Council for Scientific Research in the Qur’ān and the Sunnah. He remained there for a few years after which he devoted himself entirely to writing and to research.
Shaykh al-ābūnī authored numerous books which were received all over the world and many were even translated into other languages. He even conducted some lessons in the Karām of Mecca. He also conducted a weekly lesson in one of the mosques of Jeddah in Tafsīr. This lesson continued for about eight years during which he completed about two-thirds of the Qur’ān. These lessons were recorded on audio cassettes. He also recorded about 600 programmes for television broadcast. He completed this in 1998 (1419).
Some of the book she wrote are:
• Safwat al-Tafāsīr
• Rawā’i al-Bayān fī Tafsīr Āyāt al-Ahkām
• Qabas min Nūr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm
• Al-Tafsīr al-Wādih al-Muyassar
• Kashf al-Iftira’āt fī Risālat al-Tanbihāt Hawla Safwat al-Tafāsīr
• Al-Tabsīr bi-mā fī Rasā’i lBakr Abū Zayd minal-Tazwīr
In 2007, the Organising Committee for the Dubai International Qur’ān Award chose Shaykh Muhammad ‘Alī al-Sābūnī as the personality of the Muslim World for his contribution to Islam.
Shaykh's complete bio is courtesy of